Our attorneys and legal researchers have put together these articles to help clients and other visitors to our website get the reliable information they need when they are facing a family law issue in New Mexico. Find out what you need to know before filing for divorce or by reading our library articles.
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5 Tips For Starting The Divorce Process in New MexicoFind out how to start the divorce process in New Mexico the right way!
How To Get The Holiday Timesharing You Want This YearFind out what you can do to get more time with your children over the holidays or to protect your time with your children.
6 Divorce Tips From A New Mexico Divorce AttorneyIf you going through a divorce or considering one in New Mexico, this article is a must-read. Find divorce tips and wisdom from New Mexico's best divorce lawyer
How to Modify Your Custody Agreement in New MexicoDo you want more time with your kids? Thinking of moving or changing schools? Find out what you need to know about changing custody in New Mexico
What's the Difference Between Legal vs. Physical Custody in New MexicoFind out the difference between legal and physical custody in New Mexico and how it can impact your Albuquerque custody case.
Can I (Or The Other Parent) Move Out Of State With My Child?Find out what you need to know about moving with your child after divorce or separation and what to do if the other parent moves with your child.
Can I Get Sole Custody In New Mexico?Find out if you or your ex can get sole custody of your child and how child custody works in New Mexico from Albuquerque's best custody attorneys
How to change your child support payments in New MexicoChild Support isn't set in stone. Find out how you can change your New Mexico Child Support Payments
Retirement Benefits In New Mexico DivorceWondering if your spouse can keep part of your 401k or pension plan in a divorce? Wondering if you have a right to any of your spouses retirement benefits?
How divorce works when one spouse makes significantly more than the otherDivorce is never easy, but it can seem even more daunting when there is significant financial inequality in the marriage. Find out what you need to know.
Is Legal Separation an Option for Me?Contrary to popular belief, divorce is not the only way to end or take a break from your marriage in New Mexico. Find out about the benefits of Legal Seperation
New Mexico Small Business and High Asset DivorceIf you have interests in a business or own your own business and are considering marriage or divorce, this is a must read. Find out how divorce works for small business owners in New Mexico.